Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I haven't been blogging lately, but this past month i wasn't completely MIA on the blog scene. I've been checking up on blogs here and there and I came across a "10 Things I Like" post. I thought it was a great idea so I decided to swipe it and make one too. So in no particular order, here are 10 things that I like..
1. Art- I'm a major art fan of any type. This street art is pretty trippy.
2. Australia- Unique and diverse, Australia has a reputation of friendly people, clean cities, a broad variety of activities, and a style that's completely their own. It's at the top of my list of travel destinations.
3. Cross body bags- I'm not normally a fan of purses, but these are so easy to carry around. I really like them.

4. Bridget my new pup
5. Quadding- hey, I have a wild side too.
6. Mint- If you give me anything mint flavored I will love you forever.
7. Authentic cuisine- I dream of traveling the world some day, but until then I'll just resort to authentic foreign food, it gives you a bite of the real deal. (Thai food below)
8.Star gazing- Warm summer nights are the greatest. I love the sensation of feeling so small under the opalescence of a clear night sky.
9. Vintage Cameras- I am just in love with old school cameras. I need to get one of these for myself sometime.
10. Childhood friends- Enough said <3